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Pink Camel

A member registered Aug 22, 2016

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I loved Eggnogg and grinded on it for hours a day once upon a time. I've admittedly been dormant for a few years (I think I made an account and last commented on these forums 5 years ago) but I can't help but wish for Rumble.

I've discovered Eggnogg about a year or more ago. Ever since then, I forced all my friends to play it lol because I had to have another player to play. I even found myself spending 2 hours alone on a bus trying to just perfect my aim on throwing swords. Then I discovered that you said that Eggnogg Rumble would have AI and stuff (and grappling hooks?). But it appears that there wasn't a beta in summer or something. I really don't mean to rush you guys, but I just want a clarification on when and how I will be able to get rumble.